The newest addition to the family finally arrived early Tuesday morning....welcome Logan Hill Price! Born around 4 a.m., weighing 8 pounds, 13 ounces and 20 inches long. I think he looks like his daddy (my brother, Jack) with dark hair. He and mom had a rough start, being overdue and not progressing much. Amy had to have a c- section after about 18 hours of slow labor, and some late decels on Logan's part (he wasn't tolerating the contractions very well). Here are some pics of our newest family member :-)
I have to admit, I got all teary when I was showing off this pic to my friends at work...he's such a cute kid, and I love how he is just staring right at Jack when he took this picture! Logan had a harder time breathing on his own, as many c- section babies do. Here he is in his first tent! (I guess they still use this oxygen hood where they delivered.) Sounds like he was under there for a few hours and then was able to go out to see mom at about hour 5.
Here he is, al cleaned up and tired from his first few hours of life. Such a cutie! They knew he'd have lots of hair from the 4D ultrasounds they had, the surprise was what color it would be!
Here he is, getting to meet mommy finally. She got to see him for a couple seconds right after delivery, before he was whisked away. That's so hard on mom, but she had a chance to rest and he got his breathing under control, and all is well...
Here they are, the newest Price crew...Jack, Amy and Logan! We're so excited, and can't wait to visit soon!!!
Oh what a beautiful baby! I LOVE his little hairline....such a manchild! Congrats, Auntie Britt!!!